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3 Things You Should Know About The New Cookie Ban

Written by Next I.T | Mar 3, 2020 4:45:00 PM

You're shopping online and accidentally click to a different web page. You think all of the items you put in your shopping cart are lost, but then when you click back, your cart is still in tact. How is this possible and why isn't your information lost? Cookies make it possible. Here we will talk a little bit about what cookies are, why they are important, and how the new cookie ban from Google will affect online activity.


What Are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are placed on your browser when you visit different websites. There are two different types of cookies: first-party cookies and third-party cookies. First-party cookies are those tiny text files that are created by the website you're visiting directly and stored in your computer to keep track of settings and analytics, which create a better user experience.

Third-party cookies are created by other domains than the one you're visiting directly to keep track of cross-site tracking, serving ads, and remarketing. That is why when you search for a specific product on Amazon, advertisements for said product may pop on your Facebook news feed.

Following a cue from Apple, Google has decided to implement a ban on cookies starting in 2022, hoping to eventually eliminate cookies from their browser completely. How is this cookie ban going to affect a user's online experience? What are the biggest takeaways that you should know moving forward?

1. Third-party cookies are going to be affected.

Third-party cookies are the only cookies that are going to be affected by this ban. First-party cookies will remain in tact so the user's experience will remain the same. If you go onto a website, that domain will still track your data using first-party cookies so that you can leave items in your shopping cart and still have them there if you navigate to a different page. It will also keep track of your settings and logins on specific pages, making for an easier and more efficient online experience.

2. First-party cookies will become more valuable.

Since first-party cookies won't be affected by this ban, the data collected from these cookies will become more valuable for advertisers and the ability to track users online. Giants like Facebook and Google collect data using first-party cookies with services such as YouTube, Google Maps, Gmail, the ability to tag photos, etc.

Because this ban will limit third-party access to data for advertisers, and since Facebook and Google mainly utilize first-party cookies, it will give them more power in the ad market and more control over your data. It will also make privacy a little more attainable without having marketers track your data so they can advertise specific products to you.

3. Privacy and online safety should increase.

With this ban should come an increase in online safety and higher levels of privacy. Since your data won't be tracked by third-party individuals, your data will remain more secure online. This ban will also help prevent hackers from stealing your data and hacking your website.

In addition to this extra added security measure, it's important to think about partnering with an I.T. company that will keep your data secure and your network safe. Click here to learn more about what Next I.T. can do for you!

For more information about the new cookie ban and all things tech, contact us today!